Happy Book Birthday to Participation by Anna Moschovakis! | Book*hug Press Skip to content

Happy Book Birthday to Participation by Anna Moschovakis!

Today, we are celebrating the release of Participation by Anna Moschovakis! In this literary-dystopian novel, environmental disaster strikes and binaries and certainties dissolve as members of two virtual reading groups reshape their lives, romances, and reality itself. Read on to learn more about the book!

Happy book birthday to Participation by writer and International Booker Prize winning translator Anna Moschovakis! In the latest novel from Moschovakis, two reading groups, Love and Anti-Love, convene digitally amidst political upheaval and undefined environmental catastrophe. Participation offers a prescient look at remote communication in a time of rupture: anonymous participants exchange fantasies and ruminations, and relationships develop and unravel. Publisher’s Weekly writes, “Moschovakis brings her fierce intelligence to bear in the structurally surprising and impeccably executed narrative. This is formal innovation at its finest.”

Praise for Participation:

That’s all for now, dear reader. Please join us again in wishing a very Happy Book Birthday to Participation by Anna Moschovakis! Purchase a copy from our online shop or your local independent bookstore today. Happy reading!