Announcing the Stay Home and Read Sale | Book*hug Press Skip to content

Announcing the Stay Home and Read Sale

From everyone at Team Book*hug, we hope this finds you safe and well. We know this is a difficult and challenging time and we want to thank you for staying home and practicing social distancing. It’s critical that we all continue to do this. Thank you as well for your continued support of our authors and their books throughout this time.

In just a few weeks, our lives have shifted and changed dramatically. From Zoom fatigue (Zoomitis?), and kids attending school via a Google classroom (schoogle?), to everyone everywhere making (and naming) sourdough starter, sewing DIY masks, and honouring frontline workers every evening at 7pm, we’re all of us really and truly in this together.

We believe in the healing power of books. To help remedy the effect of Zoomitis, Schoogleitis, etc, and ease your anxieties, we’re having a STAYTHE*HOME sale. Save 25% off all of our titles throughout the month of April.

That’s right—save 25% off everything on our website, including new releases!
Simply use the code STAYTHE*HOME at checkout.
PS: Don’t forget the asterisk.

Please also consider ordering books from any of the great independent booksellers across Canada who are offering delivery service. Here’s a nifty map of Canadian Indie Booksellers who are delivering books, created by our friend Don Gorman, Publisher of Rocky Mountain Books in BC.