20th Anniversary Author Spotlight Q&A: Lindsay Zier-Vogel | Book*hug Press

20th Anniversary Author Spotlight Q&A: Lindsay Zier-Vogel

Today’s 20th Anniversary Author Spotlight is on Lindsay Zier-Vogel, author of Letters to Amelia, and the forthcoming novel The Fun Times Brigade (May 2025).

B*: What does being part of the Book*hug author family mean to you?

LZV: The Book*hug staff takes such incredible care of its authors. The entire process, from pre-acquisition meetings, to editorial feedback, to marketing, planning is done with so much support and generosity. I will never forget opening up Letters to Amelia for the first time and seeing its gorgeous, surprise end papers—blue skies that I totally didn’t know about. Holding my book in print was so exciting and these stunning end papers were icing on the cake.

B*: Can you share another title from the Book*hug catalogue that has left a lasting impression on you as a reader?

LZV: At least once a month for the last five-plus years, I’ve picked up Shannon Bramer’s Precious Energy and Adrienne Gruber’s Q&A. They are two of the most engaging poetry collections I’ve ever read and every time I pick them up, I find something new.

Stay tuned for more 20th Anniversary Author Spotlight interviews to come!


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