A Fanny and the Mystery in the Grieving Forest Mood Board | Book*hug Press Skip to content

A Fanny and the Mystery in the Grieving Forest Mood Board

An image of Rune Christiansen and his novel Fanny and the Mystery in the Grieving Forest

Our mood board series continues with Fanny and the Mystery in the Grieving Forest.


Written by Rune Christiansen, one of Norway’s most exciting literary talents, and masterfully translated by Kari Dickson, this novel is a beautiful, poetic portrait of grief, friendship, independence, and transgression. Originally published as Fanny og mysteriet i den sørgende skogen (Forlaget Oktober), it was shortlisted for the Brage Prize, one of Norway’s most prestigious literary honours.



Additionally, we’re excited to announce that we have acquired the North American English language rights to Christiansen’s Brage Prize-winning novel, The Loneliness in Lydia Erneman’s Life, also to be translated by Kari Dickson. Originally published as Ensomheten i Lydia Ernemans liv (Forlaget Oktober), the novel was also nominated for the Critics’ Prize and Norway’s top two readers’ prizes. Publication is scheduled for 2023. You can read more about the book here.

A mood board inspired by the Rune Christiansen novel, Fanny and the Mystery in the Grieving Forest