Happy Book Birthday to tend by Kate Hargreaves! | Book*hug Press

Happy Book Birthday to tend by Kate Hargreaves!

Today, we are celebrating the release of tend by Kate Hargreaves! Read on to learn all about this witty collection of poems which finds beauty and solace in the ordinary.

Happy Book Birthday to tend by Kate Hargreaves! A much-anticipated follow up to her poetry collection Leak, and a Fall 2022 Poetry Selection from CBC Books and 49th Shelftend explores the small pleasures and discomforts of the everyday—feelings of being distanced from loved ones, physically and emotionally; striving to be better (at chores, at intimacy); and tending to the things that fracture.

These poems are anchored in the body, straining the edges of spaces that bodies and language inhabit: between sealing in and digging out; restlessness and isolation; memory and planning for the future; gaps in texts and reiterations. tend is an immersive work, as validating as it is illuminating.

Check out this video recorded by Hargreaves herself, introducing readers to tend.

Praise for tend:

That’s all for now, dear reader. Please join us again in wishing a very Happy Book Birthday to tend by Kate Hargreaves! Purchase a copy from our online shop or your local independent bookstore today. Happy reading!

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