20th Anniversary Spotlight: Julie Joosten | Book*hug Press Skip to content

20th Anniversary Spotlight: Julie Joosten

Our 20th-anniversary celebrations continue with another Author Spotlight interview. Today, we’re shining a light on Julie Joosten. We have had the pleasure of publishing two poetry collections by Julie including Nought and Light Light. Julie is one our longest lasting author relationships, and a dear old friend. 

In our Q&A with Julie, she shares what it means to be part of the Book*hug author family, and highlights a few of our recent titles that have left a lasting impression on her, including works by River Halen and Maria Stepanova. Happy reading! 

B*: What does being part of the Book*hug Press author family mean to you? Please share an anecdote, reflection, or backstory about your publishing experience?

I recognized I was part of the Book*hug family—-both literally and figuratively–on a roadtrip to Montreal for the Blue Metropolis Festival. I was short on funds, and Jay and Hazel kindly offered me a ride there and back! I rode in the back seat between Reid and his brother Cole. We had great fun, talking, laughing and listening to music. I took deep pleasure in being with and part of the family, essentially one of the kids! Thanks, Jay and Hazel!

B*: Can you share another title or two from the Book*hug Press catalogue that has left a lasting impression on you as a reader? Tell us about a book that has been a touchstone for you, one that you found meaningful, interesting, or simply loved.

Two recent books that I’ve loved are River Halen’s Dream Rooms and Maria’s Stepanova’s In Memory of Memory. And I’m very excited to read Katherine Mockler’s Anecdotes and Thuận’s Elevator in Sai Gon.