We, Jane by Aimee Wall Longlisted for the 2021 Scotiabank Giller Prize! | Book*hug Press Skip to content

We, Jane by Aimee Wall Longlisted for the 2021 Scotiabank Giller Prize!

We are thrilled that We, Jane by Aimee Wall has been longlisted for the prestigious 2021 Scotiabank Giller Prize! We, Jane explores intergenerational female relationships, the precarity of rural existence, and the essential nature of abortion. It probes the importance of care work by women for women and beautifully captures the inevitable heartache of understanding home. Celebrated author Lisa Moore calls We, Jane, “An incendiary novel about love between women, reproductive rights, rural Newfoundland, and a brave, absolutely fierce feminism in a world ‘simmering with heat and rage.’”

Our warmest congratulations to Aimee! Congrats as well to all the authors and their publishers. The twelve longlisted titles were selected by an esteemed panel of five judges: Canadian authors Zalika Reid-Benta (Jury Chair), Megan Gail Coles, Joshua Whitehead, Malaysian novelist, Tash Aw, and American author, Joshua Ferris.

Of the longlist, the jury wrote:

“This extraordinary dozen showcases an ecstatic diversity of voices and styles, of narrative deployment and moral urgency, of formal innovation and old-fashioned storytelling pleasure. There is something for everyone on this list, but within each of these books there is to be found beauty, honest reckoning, human compassion, and the irrefutable mark of the sublime.”

The Scotiabank Giller Prize shortlist will be announced on Tuesday, October 5. Learn more here.