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staReduction by Nico Vassilakis


staReduction by Nico Vassilakis


staReduction is an essay composed of drawn writing about a word’s basic element—the letter. One of the vehicles by which to entirely deconstruct a letter into its sheer visual components is by staring right into it. This is visual poetry turned on its head. The eye held hostage by alphabet.

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Composed during a long period of “doing nothing,” staReduction seeks to compose time through poetry’s primary nature of “something made out of nothing”—here are echos of doodling, marginalia, and nearly forgotten thoughts gathered loosely and ephemerally.

Nico Vassilakis works in both textual and visual poetry. He is a curator for the Subtext Reading Series in Seattle. His vispo videos have been shown in exhibits and festivals of innovative language arts. Nico’s recently published TEXT LOSES TIME is available from ManyPenny Press.

18 loose sheets and a small stapled booklet labelled “essay” gathered into printed slip

100 copies

Condition: New

Additional information

Weight .1 kg