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Parts to Whole: A Play by Adam Seelig

Parts to Whole: A Play by Adam Seelig

February 2014 | Drama
8×10 inches | 114 pages
ISBN 9781771660471

Trade Paperback
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SKU: 201411 Categories: , , , , , , ,

In Parts to Whole, a man and a woman discuss and explore their intimacy in ways so simple as to be radical.

Much like Adam Seelig’s Like the First Time (praised in The Globe and Mail as “striking, fascinating and darkly comic”), Parts to Whole is written without punctuation so that actors and readers may choose how they emphasize the text, and the unorthodox spacing on each page is generated by the vertical alignment of certain letters and words, creating a tonal zone for the dialogue. Parts to Whole also marks Seelig’s further exploration into his notion of ‘charactor’.

Adam Seelig is a poet, playwright, stage director, and the founder of One Little Goat Theatre Company in Toronto, with which he has premiered works by Yehuda Amichai, Thomas Bernhard, Jon Fosse, Claude Gauvreau, Luigi Pirandello and himself. Two of Seelig’s previous plays, Like the First Time and Talking Masks, are published by BookThug.

Parts to Whole co-published in February 2014 in conjunction with One Little Goat Theatre Company’s presentation of Parts to Whole in Toronto.

Additional information

Weight .6 kg
Dimensions 8 × 10 in