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Rich & Poor: The Single


Rich & Poor: The Single


Limited Edition 7″ Vinyl Recording.

Andrew Whiteman (of such acts as Broken Social Scene, Apostle of Hustle and AroarA) has teamed up with Jacob Wren to produce Rich & Poor: The Single.

This two track interpretation of Jacob’s wildly timely novel about the haves and the have-nots will offer readers and listeners the opportunity to engage with its “economic” themes in new ways. At the same time, fans of Whiteman’s work will have the opportunity to hear his sonic output brush up against the printed word once more — something he has continued to do time and time again since he released that first album Fear of Zen so many years ago. Together Andrew and Jacob have managed to present the despair and the disco of Rich and Poor.

Includes a code to download the MP3 version.

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Audio Samples:

Side One:

Side Two: