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The Shining Material by Aisha Sasha John


The Shining Material by Aisha Sasha John


In The Shining Material, Aisha Sasha John is a hostess; welcome to her house. Inside there is a party, a prayer, a painting that puts its fingers in your mouth—let it: in The Shining Material witness Aisha Sasha John braid self-portraiture, ekphrasis, and her own brand of psalm to create a collection of poems that is a tonic: dizzying in its open-mouthed, symphonic charge. These poems stage intimate encounters as they work against the language of the banal. Dancing across, between and at the interstices of the self, no poem is a single statement: they all recognize language as a perpetual subject of inquiry.

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Praise for The Shining Material

“Miss John here reminds, in oddly comely poems of direct address, ‘how small the aesthetic is’ and how ravenously transcendent the human woman. The mouths of these poems adore phonemes and are unafraid of their important difference: they say the woman as the linguist of thinking. They refuse to assuage or to mollify or to rectify. They smack of an emergent candour. To serve their biopolitic, they may have invented an extra vowel, the first since Hittite.” — Lisa Robertson

“Hers are poems fighting against the dark but not caught or trapped there, in pieces fighting to be heard” — rob mclennan

Aisha Sasha John writes poetry and plays. Her work has appeared in The Capilano Review, Exile Quarterly, CV2, Carousel, and the Diaspora Dialogues anthology, TOK 3. In 2009, Aisha completed her M.F.A. in Creative Writing at the University of Guelph; in 2010/11, she’s writing a play called Kissy Kissy as part of Nightwood Theatre’s Write From the Hip program as well as Theatre Passe Muraille’s theatre creators group, Upstarts. Visit her here:

96 pages | 8 x 5.5 inches | perfectbound
Condition: New
ISBN 9781897388792

Additional information

Weight .15 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × .5 × 8 in