TIFA Presents: Searching for the Sustainable Life, with Hasan Namir | Book*hug Press

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TIFA Presents: Searching for the Sustainable Life, with Hasan Namir

June 17, 2021 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


TIFA Presents: Searching for the Sustainable Life, with Hasan Namir, author of Umbilical Cord.

Event description:

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all faced immense amounts of anxiety, loneliness and grief, which has spurred many to re-evaluate their aspirations and redesign their daily lives. Now has become a prime time to collectively search for resilience and resolve to live more sustainable existences. With this in mind, TIFA Presents a selection of Canadian writers from across the country, reading works that explore the human capacity for resilience through adversity, offer new perspectives on our times, and celebrate the stories of our unique experiences. Following their readings, each writer will respond to the question: “How has your creativity sustained you through these times?”

Hosted by TIFA Director Roland Gulliver, this live broadcast will feature readings from Norma Dunning, Ivan Coyote, Carmella Gray-Cosgrove and Hasan Namir.

This event is free to watch with registration and will be available to view for 72 hours. Both Book Summit registrants and the general public are welcome to watch.


June 17, 2021
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm




Toronto Internationl Festival of Authors
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