Essential Reads from Book*hug | Book*hug Press

Essential Reads from Book*hug

Notes from a Feminist Killjoy: Essays on Everyday Life by Erin Wunker

“I want to gift the book to everyone I know and share the experience of reading it with them. In a time when I needed one, I read this book and found a friend.” Lee Skallerup Bessette, The Chronicle of Higher Education

“Erin Wunker’s first book is a useful navigational tool even for those steeped in the precepts of women’s studies. Her Notes represents a smorgasbord of reflection.” —Sarah Murdoch, Toronto Star and Metro Canada

Read more and get your copy here.

Rich and Poor by Jacob Wren

Rich and Poor is essential and bracing reading, especially at a time when millions of poor Americans can convince themselves that a rich man is their champion. ” —Ian McGillis, Montreal Gazette

“As with Wren’s previous work, Rich and Poor is art in resistance, a work that dares to remind us of our capacity for revolutionary love despite the prevailing economic system’s structural violence.” —Jade Colbert, The Globe and Mail

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Double Teenage by Joni Murphy

“Brilliant and necessary.” —Jade Colbert, The Globe and Mail

Double Teenage seems like the definitive book of The Young Girl as defined by Tiqqun. It’s also a definitive book about NAFTA, the Ciudad Juarez femicides, spectacular serial killings, and media’s comforting lull.” —Chris Kraus for The Millions

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Blank: Essays and Interviews by M. NourbeSe Philip

“Poet, Essayist, Novelist, Playwright, Public Intellectual: M. NourbeSe Philip is the principal—and most principled—woman-of-letters in English right now. Her every word is a must-read because she writes nothing that doesn’t change everything. She isn’t politic; she’s political. Unabashedly. Her ruthless truth-telling is page-turning and paradigm-overturning.” —George Elliott Clarke, Parliamentary Poet Laureate (2016-17)

Read more and get your copy here.

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