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Pillage Laud by Erin Mouré


Pillage Laud by Erin Mouré


Department of Reissue No. 6
Trade paperback ISBN 9781897388839


First published in 1999 in an edition of 300 perfectbound copies and 26 spiralbound copies lettered A-Z and signed, Pillage Laud is a lost cult item that now returns to print. As the 1999 edition announced, Pillage Laud selects from pages of computer-generated sentences to produce lesbian sex poems (cauterizations, vocabularies, cantigas, topiary and prose) by pulling through certain found vocabularies, relying on context: boy plug vagina library fate tool doctrine bath discipline belt beds pioneer book ambition finger fist flow. It used MacProse, a freeware designed by American poet and jazz musician Charles O. Hartman as a generator of random sentences based on syntax and lexicon instructions internal to the program; the program worked on Apple systems prior to OSX and is now in the dustbins of computer history. In 1999, the news was shocking: Moure’s poems are written by a computer. In 2011, now that everyone is a computer, the book can be read anew.

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“Erin Mouré” is a biological product in the usual state of flux, containing organic and inorganic elements extending backward and forward into time, but tending as are all organisms toward homeostasis, in spite of entropic forces. Erin Mouré is an indicator of a social structure projected onto this organism.



Additional information

Weight .15 kg
Dimensions 6 × .5 × 8 in